Imagine this: You witness one of your colleagues, a solid performer in their area of expertise, become so overwhelmed with their workload, that they break down during a team meeting (on camera, because we are meeting virtually), when asked, “How’s your week looking?”
What an eye opener. Yet, this is the reality for many of us, working from home, during the current lockdowns in our major cities in Australia.
It made me think we really need to reach out and take some of the pressure off those we work with, whether colleagues, clients or candidates.
When asked, we have a tendency to reply automatically and say, “I’m good”. So here are some of the things I’ve heard those in my professional network trying to say:
“I’m feeling isolated WFH. I’m usually a homebody, but I’m getting lonely.”
“It’s hard to stay focussed. I feel like there’s no purpose to my job.”
“There are only so many walks I can go on for exercise or to get fresh air.”
“So tired of all the virtual meetings!”
“I’m feeling uncertain about finding a job during the current restrictions.”
“I’m nervous about what future lockdowns will mean for my career.”
“My self-esteem is suffering, even though I know I’m highly capable.”
“I am missing my work colleagues and the social face-to-face interaction. I have no one to vent to.”
“I have plenty of work to keep me going, but I am lacking motivation because of the uncertainty.”
“I just want to come back to the office to have a sense of purpose.”
“It’s hard to stay focused and concentrate on my job requirements due to lots of stop-starting.”
“I’m so sick of looking at the same four walls.”
“Home schooling is so hard with young children. My kids are missing the mental stimulation of the classroom and having their friends to play with.”
“I just want to cry!”
Often lending an ear is enough to give someone we care about a leg up. R U OK Day this year is a timely reminder that a conversation could change a life, but starting the conversation at work isn’t always easy. We’ve partnered with Prima Careers to include a helpful infographic below.

For more information, go to or contact Lifeline on 131114 if you or someone you know needs urgent assistance.

With more than 20 years’ experience in recruitment, Tony has provided professional placements and HR consulting support services – including permanent, temporary and contract talent – for a wide variety of organisations. His scope ranges from general front line business support and operations to senior executive search within the Local Government and Australian Federal Government sectors, through to Commercial and Not for Profit operations. Read more…