I often get asked by people who are looking for their next challenge, Can I make it? As an executive recruitment consultant, candidates approach me for all sorts of reasons: seeking career inspiration, to reinforce their self-belief, knowing I’m well networked and as a champion of diversity or, in the likelihood I can provide a fresh job opportunity.
How should I know if you can make it? Well, several years ago I made the decision to alter my own journey by embarking on a new career. In the past I had enjoyed successes as an executive in the Consumer & Retail market, as well as performing at the top of my game in hockey as an elite sportsperson and Olympic athlete. I have coached others, but hadn’t taken time out to reassess my own goals and priorities.
I think we reach a stage in our lives where something is missing – it could be your current vocation, work-life balance or that the culture of the environment you work in is no longer fulfilling. People talk about wanting more… More time to spend doing what we love… More authentic personal connections… More opportunity to make a real difference… More than just the status quo…
Aspiring to more can be challenging, but also leads you on a path to finding internal satisfaction.
Due to my love of making personal connections and coaching, a consulting role had immediate appeal. It’s one of the reasons I began sports coaching, because the relationships you make overseeing an athlete’s daily routine become quite personal. Professional development mixed with my sales achievement orientation in business seemed to resonate.
When the time was right to make my next career move I was still scared, unsure and hesitant, but also excited, curious and focused. The result – well, here I am alive and blogging!
So now a few tips for those looking for more in their careers:
- Be adaptable – how can you apply your skills and experience?
- Be open-minded – opportunities may come from left field
- Learn more about yourself – what drives you, what makes you tick?
- Come with something to offer – your unique value to a prospective employer
- Take ownership – it’s up to you to be the driver of change
Allowing yourself the space to breath, think, focus and act will bring results. It did for me.
If you’d like to explore more, let me know.