by Renata Bernarde | Feb 19, 2025 | Job Hunting Made Simple, The world @work
As we enter 2025, the job market remains as complex and challenging as last year, especially for experienced corporate professionals. While the economy shows signs of recovery early in the year, the turbulence from last week’s AI announcements rolled over this...
by Dr Paul Teys | Dec 18, 2023 | Education, The world @work
The holidays spanning December and January is often a time of relaxation and family gatherings. However, for school leaders, it can be a challenging phase, especially if a staff member resigns unexpectedly. Here are five strategies to effectively manage such...
by Gabrielle Patterson | Mar 1, 2023 | Business Support, Executive, Professional Support, The world @work
You may not have ever thought about it, but loving your job can provide you with many health benefits. The right role can provide purpose, connection, fulfilment, a routine and ongoing learning – all contributing to making us feel happy and secure. However, there’s...
by Geoff Slade | Nov 30, 2022 | Job Hunting Made Simple, The world @work
In this episode of The Job Hunting Podcast (recorded live on LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook), Geoff Slade and host Renata Bernarde discuss the year that was, analyzing the major job market trends that have been a hallmark of 2022 post-pandemic. They also look at the...
by Laurie Serafini | Jul 7, 2022 | Executive, The world @work
Laurie Serafini in conversation with Paul Roos In this podcast, Laurie Serafini talks to business Leadership & Culture coach (and former Swans AFL Premiership coach) Paul Roos about a magic ingredient for success in whatever you do – confidence. Life can be tough....