by Geoff Slade | Sep 23, 2014 | The world @work
Each of us probably has a moment of truth in their career when harsh but true words are sent our way. In the lead up to this year’s AFL Grand Final, I’m sharing my own personal experience. I was a 17 year old kid up from the country, drafted to the...
by Geoff Slade | Sep 16, 2014 | The world @work
There’s almost nowhere better to enjoy solitude than on a long haul flight. As I’m writing this en route from London to Chicago, it’s the perfect moment to ponder can solitude as a condition of truly effective leadership override the currency of...
by Geoff Slade | Aug 5, 2014 | The world @work
To ease myself back into my first day back on the treadmill after a few weeks quaffing the European summer, I took 30 minutes before work this morning to have breakfast at my favourite local hole in the wall. A lot of us detest breakfast meetings, but breakfast...
by Geoff Slade | Jul 23, 2014 | The world @work
Google, through its unrelenting drive for innovation and improvement in every corner of its business is also pouncing on and producing fascinating people analytics. The latest release from its own analysis and study is in the shape of profiling people’s...
by Geoff Slade | Jul 1, 2014 | The world @work
Who doesn’t, even the most modest and unassuming, once in a while enjoy a small moment of self-congratulatory gloating. So, here’s our five minutes in the sun, followed by a curly question for which we need your Point of View. Twice in the last three years...