Have we lost the value of knowledge?

I recently went to a ‘Clever Happenings’ talk. These are fascinating talks organised by Dr Jason Fox and sponsored by The Centre for Workplace Leadership, with different speakers every month. The presenter on this occasion was talking about brand and sales. At one...

Melbourne to New York at the Age of 65

Sometimes it feels like you’ve run a marathon just to keep with the world @work! This year, at the age of 65, long-time Melbourne running superstar and long-serving Slade Group employee Heather McBride has qualified to run in the New York Marathon. The race takes...

Nobody likes a pouting recruiter

“A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still” – Dale Carnegie Once, early in my career, I accepted a new role despite my misgivings about the position. The recruiter talked me into it. Female engineers were quite a rare find in the late 90s and...