by Ejona Dine | Mar 31, 2017 | Interchange Bench, The world @work
It’s needless to say that childhood experiences shape a significant part of our adult persona, but they also help to build some of the skills and attributes that we carry with us during our working life. While in pre-elementary (equivalent to kindergarten in...
by Catherine DeVrye | Mar 27, 2017 | The world @work
Last week the Financial Review invited me to their two day top-tier business summit – possibly because it was on International Women’s Day and last year they included me in their Top 100 Women of Influence. As I headed home on the Manly ferry, I reviewed my...
by Nora Farhane | Mar 16, 2017 | Education, The world @work
Jenny comes from a disadvantaged family in Asia. She had to work to help her single mum with living costs so she could afford to send her to school. Jenny will never forget a primary teacher who paid for her school fees. Jenny loved school and this teacher inspired...
by rgrant | Mar 9, 2017 | Executive, The world @work
“It generally started about 3pm on Sunday afternoon, irrespective of rain, hail or shine and the activity or people I was with at that time. I’d start thinking of the next day and my shoulders would instantly tense up, I’d start snapping at my kids...
by Candice Lewis | Mar 2, 2017 | Interchange Bench, The world @work
We ALL fear change and that’s OK, says Marty Wilson. I was recently lucky enough to hear Marty speak at Mental Health in the Workplace, part of the Melbourne Chamber of Commerce People in Business series. He gave an inspiring talk on change and the fear that comes...