by Stephen Atherton | May 5, 2017 | Accounting & Finance, Superannuation, The world @work
Let me paint the scene. It’s Saturday night, I’m at a friend’s house with a group of mates as our children run inside and outside the house vaguely supervised. Our respective partners are all out, so we’re taking the opportunity for a beer,...
by Kylie Rutherfoord | Apr 26, 2017 | Executive
Rather than following my friends to University when I left school, I took an alternative route into the workforce by joining the New Zealand Army – not exactly the most obvious career choice for a female with a short and slim build who grew up as a ballet dancer! This...
by Geoff Slade | Apr 21, 2017 | The world @work
In the following article by Maggie Chen, which appeared in the Autumn 2017 edition of the Victorian Chamber of Commerce & Industry Business Excellence magazine, Slade Group Chairman Geoff Slade shares his story and the insights he has developed over decades in...
by Anita Ziemer | Apr 12, 2017 | The world @work
“To be a genius, think like a 94-year-old.” If you’ve ever worried about your declining IQ, take heart from this fascinating profile of 94 year old John Goodenough who, together with his team at University of Texas, has filed a patent application on...
by egraham | Apr 7, 2017 | Professional Support
Experts at the World Economic Forum release yearly updates assessing the biggest dangers facing the world economy. Environmental concerns have jumped up the list and now global warming tops economists’ concerns. Last month I attended an Australian Credit...