Stamping out rubber stamping

Stamping out rubber stamping

Have you ever lined up for a train ticket in rural India? It was as painful to watch as Rowan Atkinson packaging up that illicit Christmas gift in Love Actually… watching and waiting for that train ticket to actually make it into my hand reminded me that...

Sharing a shot in the arm

Just as good as my flu vaccination this week, was the recent pep talk from another Doctor. A little bit painful, but just what I needed. Dr Jim Collins speaking at the WPO conference in LA emphasised that repeated and continuous improvement leads to greatness....
One from the trenches

One from the trenches

Is this an extended downturn or rather an exciting structural shift? I’m in the camp that sees the whole global market undergoing a structural shift. This month Australians and in particular Melburnians awoke to the reality that Toyota in 2017 will join Ford and...